Base64 Encode Decode
Improve file processing with our online Base64 encoding and decoding tool. Efficiently encrypt and decrypt data with the online Base64 encoder that securely encodes and decodes data. Simplify data encryption and decryption for seamless data management.
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Base64 Encode:
A method of encoding data into a format suitable for secure transmission or storage by converting the data to an ASCII string.
Original String: "Hello, World!"
Encoded String: "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ=="
Base64 Decode:
The reverse process of restoring encoded data from a base64-encoded string back to its original form.
Encoded String: "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ=="
Decoded String: "Hello, World!"
Steps of Encoding and Decoding:
- Encoding: Type text or send data to be encoded in Base64 format.
- Click Encode: Click the generate button to convert the text or file to Base64.
- Copy: Copy the encoded text or download the encoded file to use when needed.
- Decoding: If you want to decode Base64, use a similar process, insert the encoded text, or upload the file and click "Decode".